About Me

There are a million grand stories waiting to be told, and I think a few of them are mine. I am experienced in the traditional arts concentrating in oil painting, graphite drawing, and painting on shoes. My talents extend to digital photography, design, and illustration, and my newest endeavor is animation.

Monday, December 15, 2014


I loved creating an animation. I can see why there are teams of people dedicated to individual characters; specific details; and so much more.

Through my research and enjoying the little things of this animation, and taking breaks, I played around with other ways to animate and found I really love animating words and settings. I thought I would share these with you :

Final Project Work Cited

Works Cited

Business Man Running and Walking Frame Sequence Loops by michaeldb. (2014, January 1). Retrieved November         20, 2014, from http://www.toonvectors.com/clip-art/business-man-running-and-walking-frame-sequence-                loops/8353

Gallery For Horse Running Sequence. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://imgarcade.com/1/horse-              running-sequence

Friday, December 5, 2014

Module 6: Final Submission


The thought behind this piece is to be a version of a movie trailer for my book turned animation. I rendered this in Illustrator and Photoshop, and brought to life through Flash. 

Some insight behind the creation:

  • I used this horse running sequence I found on  http://imgarcade.com/1/horse-running-sequence  as a reference.
  • The sound effects and music were found on Sounddogs.com.
  • The backgrounds were the easiest because I had to create one base cell and duplicated it over and over again. I moved some things around to give the impression of a moving background.
  • The running scene in the forest clearing was over 120 cells. 
  • I used the cloud filter in Photoshop to give the impression of the smoke rising and disappearance of Kaphrus. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Module 5 Part 2: Storyboard

I used Storyboardthat.com to create this story board. I have painted the scenes a little differently, but don't think the difference of storyboard verses final will be problematic. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Module 5: Final Project Sketches

The Escape

The Journey of The Chosen One

My final will be an animation trailer of the story I about my character, Kaphrus. Using Illustrator, Photoshop, and Flash I will bring this trailer to life. 

This trailer will showcase a segment of what Kaphrus endures. Since I won't have verbal lines and a voice over, I plan on adding slides of lines that would be in the book, and possibly said in a movie version.

 I will have a dungeon setting and open forest setting which makes up part of the plot and the bulk of the work. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Module 4: Kaphrus final

I will not be submitting this into the competition.

Using Photoshop, a little bit of Illustrator, and Flash, I created this image. I imported my hand drawn sketch and worked in layers to create this final image. My goals were to create a female heroic image mixed with advanced technology.  I made the title animated because I am thinking about the future and how book covers may be digital one day. My idea is a cross between the digital photo frames that are presently out, and Harry Potter's idea of the animated newspapers and posters. 

I never like to do backgrounds for my pieces. I just don't have that type of talent. I kept the background simple.

Typography is not my strongest, but I like the chosen font. It is strong and fantasy like. I chose the traditional position of the title at the top and the author name at the bottom. I purposely made the 'authors' name a non focal point because I did not want to come across as an 'author'. If this were a clients book I was designing the author's name would stand out and be bigger. The color choice could have been different, I see that now. 

Here is a still:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Module 4 Sketches



My submission entails artwork for the cover of a book. I like this contest because there are few restrictions. A lot of the guidelines were focused on the submission part of the contest.

 I chose to base this artwork off of a mini story idea I came up with. It is a fantasy story about a girl, Kaphrus, who, unbeknownst to herself and her fellow villagers, is the chosen one. She is an independent adventure going girl. A long time ago there was an evil powerful creature who took over and destroyed all of the worlds in the realm. A group of 4 individuals managed to capture him and ban him into a containment spell. Another evil individual managed to find and free this contained evil. It is now up to Kaphrus to find the hidden scrolls that contain the chants to put this evil creature away, once and for all. 

I want the focus to be on the female character. She is bold, strong, and confident. There is no damsel in distress here.